Powering the Future: Exploring the Electric and Chemical Space Propulsion at ESA

Friday, May 17, 2024

Powering the Future: Exploring the Electric and Chemical Space Propulsion at ESA

Friday, May 17, 2024

What you need to know

Powering the Future: Exploring the Electric and Chemical Space Propulsion at European Space Agency

-Overview of UofG capability and introduction by Professor Konstantinos Kontis (from 15:00-15:10)

-Electrifying Futures: Discovering Electric Propulsion Laboratory (EPL) and Career Horizons (1st Presentation from 15:10 to 16:00 hr) given by Hassam Guevara

-Thrusting Forward: Chemical Propulsion at ESA and Career Trajectories (2nd Presentation from 16:00 to 17:00 hr) given by Olga Motsyk


This presentation delves into the forefront of propulsion technology, exploring both electric and chemical propulsion systems. The discussion begins with an overview of the principles behind electric propulsion, highlighting the efficiency and versatility of these systems in space exploration. We then delve into chemical propulsion, examining its role in current and future missions.

A significant portion of the presentation focuses on laboratory testing methodologies employed in electric propulsion research. Vacuum chambers serve as the testing grounds for simulating space environments, allowing for accurate performance assessments of electric propulsion systems. Thrust balances play a crucial role in quantifying the thrust generated by these systems, providing invaluable data for optimization and improvement. Additionally, plasma diagnostics techniques shed light on the intricate plasma processes occurring within electric propulsion thrusters, aiding in understanding and enhancing their performance.

Furthermore, this presentation offers insights into the promising career opportunities within the propulsion field. As the demand for advanced propulsion technologies continues to grow, skilled professionals are needed to drive innovation and progress. From research and development roles in academia and government agencies to positions in the private sector, the future holds a multitude of exciting career pathways for individuals passionate about propulsion technology.


  • Friday, May 17, 2024 3:00 PM
  • Doors open 2:30 PM
  • Ends Friday, May 17, 2024 5:00 PM
  • Timezone: United Kingdom Time
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