Active Life Pier to Pier Swim 2025

Contact details

Terms and Conditions

By booking tickets, you agree to the terms & conditions and privacy policies set by:

Active Life

1. Definitions

“Code of Conduct” means any code of conduct specified by the Event Organiser in relation to the Event.

"Conditions" means these terms and conditions of entry for the Event.

"Entry Form" means the website pages or any other online or paper form application process specified by the Event Organiser which must be completed in order to participate in the Event.

"Event" means the event named on the Entry Form.

"Event Organiser" means Active Life Limited, whose registered office is Amphenol Complex, Thanet Way, Whitstable, CT5 3JF and its appointed staff and/or agents.

"Fee" means the entry fee for the Event as set out in the Entry Form.

“National Governing Body” means the organisation or body responsible for the governance, administration and management of the sport or event on a national basis.

“Parent/Carer” means the responsible adult for those participants entering who are under 18 years of age.

"Participant" means the person named on the Entry Form who will be participating in the Event.

“Parties” means the Event Organiser and the Participant and each shall be a “Party”.

“Registration” means the process of the Participant presenting himself or herself to the Event Organiser, or any person designated by the Event Organiser, on the day of the Event to confirm the Participant’s attendance at the Event.

2. Acceptance of Conditions

2.1 These Conditions shall apply in place of and prevail over any terms or conditions (whether or not in conflict or inconsistent with these Conditions) contained or referred to in any documentation submitted by the Participant or in correspondence or elsewhere or implied by trade custom, practice or course of dealing. A variation of these Conditions is only valid if the Event Organiser gives notice to the Participant in writing in any official Event material or correspondence prior to the Event (including via email). The Participant, or Parent/Carer, shall be deemed to have accepted these Conditions upon completion of the Entry Form.

3. Participation

3.1 The swim shall be conducted under Swim  England Laws and Swim England Technical Rules by the Active Life Triathlon Club (affiliated to Triathlon England) and shall be open to competent swimmers over the age of 14 on the 6th July 2025.

3.2. Entries will be limited to the first come, first served basis, up to a number that the organisers consider to be safe and manageable, and entries should be made online only.

3.3. Organisers reserve the right to remove a swimmer from the water after 1 hour (or any time after 1hr) if it is deemed the swimmer is not likely to complete the swim during the high tide. The decision will be made by the water safety team in conjunction with the event organiser for the safety of the participant as well as other participants who may still be in the water.

4. Declaration

I am an eligible competitor in accordance with the laws of the Swim England and will abide by the conditions laid down for this competition. Further I have read and understood the Provisions as below and agree to abide by them.

I know of no medical condition or other impediment which would render my participation undesirable.

PROVISIONS: Please read carefully before completing the online application

a. I hereby certify that I am physically fit and well to participate in Open Water training and events.

b. I am aware of the need to seek appropriate medical advice if I have any concerns as to the state of my health and have not been informed by any medical practitioner, and I do not have any knowledge of any medical condition, which would make it inadvisable for me to participate in Open Water Swimming events or any other associated activities.

c. I am aware of and appreciate the inherent risks involved in Open Water Swimming training and competition including the possibilities of injury and accident. I undertake to always conduct myself in a responsible and professional manner.

d. I undertake at all times to use my best endeavour to train and compete in a safe and proper manner and not to do anything which would expose me or fellow swimmers to unnecessary risk or injury.

e. I undertake to take all reasonable safety measures for the protection of fellow swimmers and myself and to inform the Event Organiser of any concerns I may have as regards safety.

f. I acknowledge that during Open Water Swimming events the Active Life Triathlon Club cannot be held responsible for any loss or damage to personal belongings and that I must take all reasonable steps against such loss or damage.

I hereby agree to abide by and be governed by the rules of the Swim England and all other laws and regulations applicable including the Swim England Safety Laws.

5. Event Conditions

Swimmers are advised to check before the event with the organiser that the conditions are suitable and that the event will still take place.

6. Swimwear

Swimming costumes must conform to prevailing Swim England open water rules, available on the Swim England website. If the water temperature on the day is below 14 degrees, a wetsuit must be worn. If the temperature is above this them it is optional and at the discretion of the swimmer. If you are not wearing a wetsuit, a tow float must be used. 

7. Postponement

Before entering the event, please bear in mind that it may be swum on a postponement date on Sunday 1st September 2024 in the event of bad weather or poor water quality and your name will be carried forward to this date. If you are unable to take part in this date or the event is cancelled for any reason your place will be transferred across to the following year.

8. Privacy Notice - Collection and Use of Your Personal Data

Your personal information will be used for administrative purposes to complete your entry into the Event and for contacting you in relation to the Event you have entered.

Where you have consented to do so, your personal information will be used to send you details of future events and activities, and shared with official partners and sponsors to enable them to send you triathlon related information.

Your personal information will not be used for any other reason and will not be shared with any other organisations unless we are legally required to do so, it is legal to do so or we have stated as such.

You may contact us if you wish us to stop using your personal information for these purposes. Further details on how we use your personal information can be found within our Privacy Notice.

LIVE IT Group Ltd

LIVE IT is a technology partner providing ticket fulfilment services.
The LIVE IT Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy apply to bookings made using the LIVE IT platform.