WHP Lived Experience Group Development Day

Contact details

Terms and Conditions

By booking tickets, you agree to the terms & conditions and privacy policies set by:

The Health and Social Care Alliance Scotland

What happens with your data/your contributions

Please refer to your privacy notice and joining form that you completed on joining the Stakeholder Group for information about your data.

Your contributions from this session will not be published but general discussion will be captured in notes. These notes will be shared with the Scottish Government but will not be public. 


Where possible we encourage public transport, but we are aware that due to individual circumstances this may not always be possible. 

Expenses can only be reimbursed with adequate receipts. 


If taking photographs of the event for social media, please ask if people are happy to be in the photograph and be posted online. 

LIVE IT Group Ltd

LIVE IT is a technology partner providing ticket fulfilment services.
The LIVE IT Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy apply to bookings made using the LIVE IT platform.