Ingenium - Session 6 - Reading – It’s not all about Decoding

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Ingenium - Session 6 - Reading – It’s not all about Decoding

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

What you need to know

This is the sixth and final session in the Ingenium programme, designed exclusively for teaching assistants, to improve TAs’ practice and increase confidence in effectively supporting learners in the primary classroom.

Evidence suggests comprehension and fluency are the key to improving access to and outcomes in all subject areas. This session will look at strategies, including why reading aloud and questioning is so important to improve pupils’ reading; use of primary and secondary texts to access the curriculum.

The areas covered will bring a deep understanding of a strong evidence-base and will support TAs to implement the training in the classroom, working with their teachers, through practical strategies which they will be expected to commit to trying out in the classroom post learning. 

We recommend that participants access the full programme and further event dates will be displayed on completion of this booking.


