View the C.I.T Offices on your phone or tablet
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General Protocols
- Please only select the seat(s) you require and do not bulk book
- If you require a seat all day, please book both a morning and afternoon ticket
- If you are booking a seat in the Main Working Room, please take note of the table numbers on the graphics above
- If you need to cancel a seat, please email as soon as possible so the place can go live again
Quiet Working Room
- The Quiet Working Room has an AV panel that can be used for meetings. If you need to book this room for a meeting, please select all four seats. If one or more seats have already been booked, this room will be unavailable for meetings.
- When not used for a meeting, the Quiet Working Room should have minimal noise levels and no phone calls.
Meeting Room
- You only require 1 ticket to book the whole Meeting Room which can accommodate up to 6 people.