By booking tickets, you agree to the terms & conditions and privacy policies set by:
Unity Fest is a lesbian centric festival, and we are unapologetically aimed towards serving the needs of the lesbian community. We are also inclusive of bi and transgender women.
We welcome everyone who supports lesbian, bi and transgender women as long as they behave respectfully to all wristband holders, crew members and volunteers. Unity Fest does however reserve the right to exclude anyone from the festival who is behaving disrespectful. We will not tolerate any discrimination or bullying behaviour to anybody attending Unity Fest. Should this be reported the person/s will be asked to leave the festival.
Unity Fest Limited does not accept any liability for personal or property damages, losses or injuries sustained at this event, travel to/from, or in connection with this event.
To ensure that only ticket holders manage to access the premises, ticket checking will be carried out by Unity Fest crew/security. Unity Fest organisers, its crew, and security have the right to search attendees and vehicles for drugs, weapons and unauthorised persons. They have the right to search attendees and their vehicles whilst they are entering Unity Fest and throughout the event. However, they can only search you if you consent. If you don’t consent, then the Unity Fest organisers, crew, and security have the right to refuse you and your party entry to the festival and you will be asked to leave immediately, with no refunds given.
Unity Fest has a zero-drug policy. Any person/s found to be either possessing, using, or distributing any type of illegal drug/substance will be asked to leave the festival and will be reported to the police.
Unity Fest weekend wristbands are non-refundable. In the unfortunate event that the wristband holder can no longer attend the event it will be up to the wristband holder to resell their wristband.
Please note that any reselling of wristbands must only be sold to the appropriate audience and you MUST inform Unity Fest organisers of the exchange along with the new holders’ details:
If the festival is unable to go ahead beyond Unity Fest Limited’s control for such reasons as Covid-19, national mourning, acts of god, or if the organiser has to cancel for whatever reason, then wristbands will automatically be carried forward to 2025. If you do not wish for your wristband to be forwarded to 2025 then please email us at Unity Fest within 30 days of the date of cancellation and we will issue a refund: Please note that all refunds will be subject to a £10 administration fee and any card/booking fees will not be refunded.
If you purchased your Unity Fest 2024 wristband before the announcement of the venue and date change on the 20th August 2023 and you decide you do not wish to attend or cannot make it to due to the venue and date change, then you have 30 days until the 17th September 2023 to claim your full refund. You must email within this period to claim a refund.
LIVE IT is a technology partner providing ticket fulfilment services.
The LIVE IT Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy apply to bookings made using the LIVE IT platform.