Sunday, May 11, 2025
The War Memorial Park, Basingstoke, United Kingdom
Sunday, May 11, 2025
The War Memorial Park, Basingstoke, United Kingdom
As in previous years we are calling on owners of classic and vintage cars and motorcycles to enter their vehicles for static display.
* Vehicle entry from 07:00, must be parked up in display area by 10:00 - Vehicles are not allowed to leave the event until 16:15 *
Due to a significant increase in the cost of holding this event, all Cars exhibitors are now asked to pay a non refundable fee of £10 for Cars , £7 for Bikes/Trikes/Scooters to enter their vehicle in the show. This is a charity event with any funds raised going to charities and charitable causes and put on entirely by volunteers. Thank you for your support, without which this event could not take place.
The War Memorial Park
Basingstoke, RG21 3AE United Kingdom
Sat Nav Post Code – RG21 4BY. What Three Words: ///
The above and the below directions will take you to the Public Car Park entrance. Display Vehicles, Stallholders and Disabled Vehicles should continue past this entrance and take the first left on to Crossborough Hill, proceed up the hill to the Festival Entrance. Entry passes/Disabled Badges will be checked at the bottom of Crossborough Hill and there will be no admittance without one.
From North:
From M3 Motorway West, and East:
From Alton & South
When Leaving the Festival:
Pre-War Cars, Prestige Cars, Post War Cars, and Motorcycles should leave via the exit at the lower (north) of the main field into White Hart Lane. When you reach the T junction at London Road, you should turn right and reverse the incoming instructions above, back to the Ring Road & the exit routes for all directions of travel.
Commercial Vehicles, Stall Holders, and all vehicles on the Car Club field should leave down Crossborough Hill and turn right onto London Road.
Warning: if you turn left onto London Road, you will get caught at the traffic lights which have a very short time cycle for releasing vehicles!