SHHS 2023 Year 8 Disco

Black & White!

Saturday, May 20, 2023
South Hampstead High School, London, United Kingdom

SHHS 2023 Year 8 Disco

Black & White!

Saturday, May 20, 2023
South Hampstead High School, London, United Kingdom

What you need to know

SHHS 2023 Year 8 Disco is open to all the SHHS Year 8 pupils as well as for Year 8 guests from the invited schools. The disco will be held in the Sports Hall.


*IMPORTANT* No need for refund protection. We will refund tickets for any reason no questions asked.

Tickets cost £22 each and include entrance to the disco and enjoyment of all food and amenities (e.e. music, photobooth, candyfloss, popcorn). Funds are paid directly into a bank account in the name of Friends of South Hampstead (FOSH), a non-profit association.

One ticket per pupil may be purchased. SHHS 2023 Year 8 Disco tickets cannot be purchased for a pupil of a guest school. SHHS tickets are strictly reserved for SHHS 2023 Year 8 girls only guests from invited schools.  

Purchasers are required to disclose pupil information and confirm that they are in year 8. When booking please provide:
1. The pupil's full name, school and year & class
2. Parent or legal guardian contact details (full name, email and telephone)

Parents or legal guardians comfortable with their pupil walking home or departing independently to a waiting parent or legal guardian must explicitly authorize this at time of booking and agree that once a pupli is signed-out and allowed to leave they are no longer FOSH/SHHS responsibility.


So we can plan the menu to accomiodate all pupils, please identify in your booking if the attending pupil has any allergies, such as gluton-allergic, and if their dietary preference is vegetarian.

