09/07/2024 Multi coloured wheels are go!

Tuesday, July 9, 2024
Moulton college, Northampton, United Kingdom

09/07/2024 Multi coloured wheels are go!

Tuesday, July 9, 2024
Moulton college, Northampton, United Kingdom

What you need to know

We are pleased to announce that following guidelines from the BRCA and the UK government we will be able to restart indoor racing with social distancing and safety measures in place. 

The safety measures outlined below are in place to keep us all safe and must be adhered too by everyone in the venue. 

The basics 

If you have been in contact with some who has coronavirus, feel unwell or are showing covid-19 symptoms please do not attend

The guidelines have been established in alignment with government guidance it is understood that this guidance is fluid and can be open to interpretation and also, in the event of a second wave of the virus, the advice may need to be withdrawn or reconsidered

  • Government Legislation -The BRCA Membership will respect the law and principles of government guidance
  • Respecting Social Distancing - social distancing is crucial to reducing ‘R’ and is at the forefront of all restart planning
  • Good Corporate Citizenship - Positive public perception of our sport is important to ensure cooperation and future growth
  • Respectful to Travel Restrictions - This plan is respectful that not all UK devolved territories are moving at the same pace
  • Safety, Safety, Safety! - Safety is a central intent and in the front of our mind during the execution of this strategy.

Guidance for Competitors

The Club will NOT be operating how it used to, expect to do more prior to any event, expect the event layout to change, expect the pits to change, expect the way you move around to change. in short: - EXPECT CHANGE.

You MUST Provide: -

Your Own Hi-Viz Waistcoat for Marshalling.

Gloves suitable for Marshalling in – these are principally to protect you from injury (so not latex!) but also a requirement as you’re handling somebody else equipment.

A Face Masks – these MUST be worn at all times inside the venue 

A Bottle of Hand Sanitiser - please use this regularly 

Surface Cleaner/Hand Wipes - to wipe any equipment that may be shared

Essential: -

A good sense of humour – this is going to be difficult, the way we work at our events has evolved over decades, that’s all just bitten the dust and we have to start again, we have to learn how to do what we do, again.

Patience – be patient with your Club Officials and Each Other – you’ll probably find that within a day you’ll find a method that roughly works for your club, but it’ll take time and patience and people will get things wrong – be Patient with each other.

How the meeting will run 

Please use the hand sanitiser upon entering and leaving the hall, this will be placed in the doorway 

Pitting - When you are setting up your pit space, please leave 2 meters between other competitors following the markers on the floor, do not set your pit spaces up face to face, either side to side or back to back, again keeping 2 meters. Only one competitor per table unless from the same household. You will be required to bring your own table, chair and extension lead. The club ones will be unavailable. If your table and chair is currently stored in the cupboard on your first night returning you can collect it but it must be taken away after. 

Track build/pack up  - we are fortunate that 95% of our equipment is over 2m in length. Use hand sanitiser frequently during track build. Wether it be setup or pack away if you are carrying equipment we ask that you are responsible for it going to its final place. So if you pick it up, you will be putting it away. Do not move it to another place for someone else to put away. The cupboard will be 2 people at a time maximum when putting equipment away. 

Racing - booking in will be done online as per normal, no entry’s on the night, addresses will have to be provided for contact tracing, these will be kept securely for 21 days. Payment will only be via card payment or PayPal. No cash will be taken. 

Heat list/race results will only be available online, in the event of poor connection the paper copy will be placed in the plastic wallets, please do not remove them. 

Rostrum - there will be hand sanitiser to be used as you enter. As normal this will be a strictly one way system. There will be marked spaces to stand while racing. If you break your car please stay on the rostrum. Please keep to 2m while queuing for the rostrum, the spaces on the rostrum will be marked by car number, you must queue and enter the rostrum in your race order, when leaving after the race you must wait for the person to you right to leave their space. Use the hand sanitiser when entering and leaving the rostrum before marshalling. 

Marshalling - Marshall points will be spaced out to observe social distancing, please use strong work type gloves for marshalling. 

There will be no food or drink available on the night. You MUST take all rubbish away with you from the venue.

Only one supervising adult allowed per under 16

We hope with these ‘new normal’ guidelines in place we can get back safely to the sport we all love. Anyone who fails to adhere to these guidelines sadly will be asked to leave and return once these guidelines are lifted. 

We will have anti bacterial spray to clean touch spots throughout the night 

Please contact us if you are unsure or have concerns with any the guidelines 



Moulton college
Northampton,  United Kingdom


  • Tuesday, July 9, 2024
