Sunday, September 15, 2024
Downderry Village Hall, Downderry, United Kingdom
Sunday, September 15, 2024
Downderry Village Hall, Downderry, United Kingdom
Please note all events are free or donation based. All proceeds from this event go to the Village Hall, please give donations on the day at the start of the class in the box provided. Suggested donation for each event is £5, any donation is gratefully received, please give as you are able. Thankyou!
Suitable for ages 18 and above.
An Introduction to Meditation and Mindfulness for Health and Wellbeing with Craig Williams
Craig became a yoga, meditation and mindfulness teacher under Daizan Skinner, the first Englishman to become a Roshi or Zen Master in the Rinzai school of Zen.
Zen has a long and distinguished history of teaching meditation and mindfulness as a way of boosting health and well-being as well as awakening to our true nature.
Traditionally this is called bompu Zen (literally “usual zen”) This style of meditation and mindfulness is aimed at those looking for things like stress reduction, better sleep or how to deal with pain, and has no particular philosophical or religious content.
The session will show you how 30 minutes of meditation per day can change your life.
The session will explore a variety of topics including:
Stress and time pressures
Physical pain
Difficult emotions
Taking care of yourself and nurturing our wellbeing
Living at an elevated level of function
The meditation and mindfulness techniques that will be covered include:
Body Scan
Counting the breath
Following the breath
The practice of presence
Mindful living
Craig will be delivering an 8-week course in Liskeard and Looe starting in September.
Bring: A yoga mat.
Nearest parking available: Trerieve Car Park and additional at St Nicholas School.
Downderry Village Hall
Main Road, Downderry, PL11 3JX United Kingdom