Summit Go-Ride Coaching Session - Lotts Wood 8th February

Contact details

Terms and Conditions

By booking tickets, you agree to the terms & conditions and privacy policies set by:

Summit MTB Club Go-Ride

If you book a space and then find that you can't go, please let us know so we can offer the opportunity to other riders. 

Riders must either be CURRENT members of Summit MTB Club, either via family or individual membership. Potential or New Members are welcome to try us for one session before joining the Club. 

Notes for Riders and Parents/Guardians/Carers

 A1        Data Protection

The information provided on this form will be used for the purposes of providing you/your child with coaching services throughout the year. This information will be stored, processed and destroyed in accordance with the principles of the The EU General Data Protection Regulation 2018.

Summit MTB Privacy Notice

How we manage your information

In May 2018, the new General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) came into effect, which gives you more rights around how your information is used.  To make sure you feel confident with how we process your information, we have outlined our privacy and data handing process below:

How do we use your information?

We use your information in the ways that you would expect:

·       Processing your membership application

·       Administering communication with you, as the club members

·       Sending you information about club activities

·       Compiling information for coaching sessions and other club activities, in line with British Cycling’s guidelines.  These include participants name, age, guardian’s contact details, to include name and address, together with any relevant participant’s medical information.

Who do we share your information with?

We only share the applicable personal data with the Summit Club Coaches running the coaching sessions and the club officials who are running other events in which you are participating.

To enable effective administration, the Summit Go Ride coaching sessions, use Bookitbee to promote and book places for participants on each advertised session.   

The personal information gathered, on a session-by-session basis, is to provide the coaches with;

·       the attendee list,

·       emergency contact details for the participant’s guardians,

·       plus any relevant participant medical information.

The lead coach prints off and shares this information, on a session-by-session basis, with the session coaches.  The coaches hold the information for the duration of the session, then destroy and dispose of the copies at the end.  The lead coach deletes any electronic copies from their personal computers after each session.

Any information entered into the Bookitbee system, complies with their independent data processing and privacy policy.


Your membership information is stored within the British Cycling Club Management tool and is administered by our Membership Secretary.

This information is only accessible by Club Secretary, and Membership Secretary.

Club communication

The club uses a number of channels to communicate with its members.  

Email, using ‘MailChimp’  (Which contains Name and email address)

Closed group Facebook  page (No additional personal data)

 A2        Bike, Helmet and Clothing

It is the responsibility of the rider (or their parent/guardian/carer if aged under 18) to ensure that their bike, helmet and clothing is appropriate, well maintained and in a safe condition prior to participating in every session. Riders must wear a helmet which complies with current safety regulations when riding their bike.

 A3 Traffic Free Environments

·      Riders under the age of 12 are only permitted to participate in coaching activities in a traffic-free environment.

·      In some instances, it may be necessary for the coach to move riders from one location to another, which may require limited use of the public highway. For example, moving from the meeting point to the coaching area, or between coaching areas. Riders under the age of 18 will be under the coach’s direct supervision throughout the route.

·      Young riders are expected to remain in the session from beginning to end. If a rider has to leave early or is being collected by someone other than the parent/guardian/carer, the coach must be informed of this arrangement, including who will be collecting the rider.

·      All riders are expected to behave in a manner that does not impact on the fun and safety of other riders. The coach may exclude riders who persistently misbehave or put other riders in danger.

 A4        Public Highway

When riding on the pubic highway, riders should be able to do so in a safe and competent manner. It is recommended that the rider should at least one of the following:

 ·      Previously demonstrated in a traffic-free area, the riding skills required to ride on the public highway in a safe, confident and consistent manner

·      Have substantial experience of riding on the road already

·      Have attained at least Level 2 Bikeability.


A5 Participating in Prescribed Training

·      Only British Cycling Level 3 qualified coaches may prescribe training for individual riders. 

·      A coach may only prescribe training for individuals aged 14 years or older.

·      Training prescription may include a variety of activities in a variety of environments including the public highway. These sessions may be prolonged and intense.

·      Riders will be required to perform sessions without the supervision of a coach, so for riders under the age of 18, the parent/guardian/carer will be entirely responsible for their safety in such circumstances.

·      For younger riders, one-to-one training should focus on learning how to train, rather than on specific performance goals. Therefore, it is recommended that only riders over the age of 16 participate in prescribed training.

·      All riders participating in prescribed training must complete a Rider Profile form or equivalent.

·      Riders are required to provide feedback to the coach regarding training, racing and any other factors that are likely to affect their cycling performance. This feedback is fundamental to the coaching process and the coach may cease to provide training prescription when not provided. 

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