Ashbourne Shire Horse Society - Membership Scheme

Contact details

Terms and Conditions

By booking tickets, you agree to the terms & conditions and privacy policies set by:

The Ashbourne Shire Horse Society



Terms & Conditions

Membership packages

The Society encourages annual membership and provides a number of benefits unique to members. 

Your membership year

Your membership year starts on the first day of January each year and lasts for 12 months and becomes due for renewal on 1st January each year thereafter

Shortly before the expiry of your annual membership we will send you notification of the renewal of your membership for the forthcoming year (see ‘Renewing your membership’ below) and the relevant fees.

You may cancel your membership by notifying the Society prio to the renewal of your membership that you do not wish to continue as a member. Otherwise the membership fee for the subsequent year will be debited from the account used to pay the previous annual fee.


Subscription fees

Subscription fees for all memberships will be notified to members and will also be published on the website. 

The subscription fees will be subject to annual review and the website updated accordingly.

Paying for your membership

You can pay for your membership by automatic debit from your debit or credit card or cheque. The default method is by automatic debit as this allows membership to be renewed at the relevant rate automatically at your membership anniversary, it is also the mot cost effect for the Society to administer.

Changes to your payment method can be made by contacting the membership team.

Unpaid subscription fees

The Ashbourne Shire Horse Society is a ‘not-for-profit’ organisation, and membership subscriptions form a significant part of the income for the Society. Unpaid subscription fees therefore impact directly on our ability to plan and provide services for members. Consequently the Society reserves the right take necessary steps to recover unpaid subscription fees, including legal action where necessary.

In any circumstance where the subscription fees remain unpaid following the due date for payment, the Society specifically reserves the following rights to withdraw all membership benefits including, but not exclusively, the provision of complimentary entry to Ashbourne Show and the use of member’s facilities there and the reduction in entry fees to exhibiting classes available to members at the Show.

If you have asked us to collect from a specific account and our request is returned by your bank as 'unpaid', we will ask you for details of another account from which we can successfully collect your payment.

You agree that any outstanding amounts on your membership account must be cleared on termination (and for the avoidance of doubt) before you can be re-admitted to membership of the Society.


On cancellation of membership, members who have paid in advance may have a credit on their membership account. In this situation (once any outstanding sums deducted) a refund may be due. This can either be paid or held on the membership account to defray future membership subscription fees.


Renewal of your membership

In accordance with, and subject to, the Articles of Association of the Society,  your membership will be continued unless a written cancellation (via letter or email) is received by the Society.

The amount due from you in respect of the next membership year will be included in your renewals notice prior to your membership renewal. . If you pay by automatic debit, fees will be taken at the new rate unless we receive notice of change of membership or termination.

Payment for renewed membership

If you pay your membership subscription by cheque, credit or debit card, it is essential that your payment reaches the Society within one week of the renewal date, to ensure that your membership is not cancelled by us due to default.  For your convenience, you will be offered the option to pay by  automatic debit This has the advantage that your membership can be renewed automatically each year without the need for you to contact the membership team.

If you pay by automatic debit, we will continue to endeavour to collect your subscription fees for each year from the account notified.

Future subscription fees

Subscription fees will be determined on an annual basis by agreement from Council, and prior to the renewal date we will write to you to inform you of the subscription fees for your membership package for the forthcoming year, which will be the fees in force at the time of the renewal.


How we communicate with you

When you join the Society, you provide us with your personal details, including your address and email. By giving us this information you are agreeing that the Society may contact you from time to time (by email, SMS text message or post), with information related to services, products and events.

You may, at any time, opt out of receiving communications from the Society, change your contact details or set your email preferences by contacting the Society.

Personal Information - Consent to Hold Data

In order to provide a professional and effective service to members , we need to keep a record of personal information. This is information such as your name and contact details and possibly those of family members if appropriate. You may also provide us with dietary or other medical information that will allow us to provide membership benefits to you safely.

The Ashbourne Shire Horse Society respects your privacy and will only use your data for the provision, communication and processing of your membership benefits. We will not share your personal data with other third parties without your prior consent unless required to do so by law. All personal information is treated as private and confidential, it is recorded electronically, on a database and/or in a paper file. You have the right to see any information that we hold about you, and to have your details removed. 

 Complaints procedure

There may be times when, for whatever reason, the service provided does not meet members’ expectations. Should this occur, in the first instance we encourage members to contact the Society to discuss the matter and to give us the opportunity to investigate and assess the complaint.


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