Sain Byw / Live Sound

Sunday, April 26, 2015
Galeri Caernarfon, Caernarfon, United Kingdom

Sain Byw / Live Sound

Sunday, April 26, 2015
Galeri Caernarfon, Caernarfon, United Kingdom

What you need to know

Fe ddylai fod gennych sgiliau i sicrhau y clywir eich llais a’ch offeryn yn glir mewn unryw fan perfformio. Byddwn yn dangos sut mae system sain yn gweithio, sut i’w gwneud i weithio drosoch a sut i gynhyrchu sain sy’n eich plesio. Byddwn yn trafod sut y gallwch wneud hyn eich hunan, sut mae systemau proffesiyniol yn gweithio a pha fath o offer y dylech eu hystyried wrth brynu system eich hunan.

Arweinir y sesiwn gan Neil Browning o Never mind the Bocs a Cajuns Denbo - cerddor gyda phrofiad oes o berfformio cerddoriaeth o bob math.


You should be able to get your voice and your instrument heard clearly and cleanly anywhere you perform. We’ll show you how a PA system works, how you can make work for you and how you can be sure of getting your music heard the way you want it to be. We’ll talk about how you do it yourself, how it works with hired in systems and the kinds of equipment you should be thinking about when you get round to buying your own kit.

This session will be led by Neil Browning of Cajuns Denbo, Never Mind The Bocs and a lifetime of experience in performing music of all genres.


Galeri Caernarfon
Doc Victoria, Caernarfon, LL55 1SQ United Kingdom

Galeri = LL55 1SQ

Gorsaf drenau agosaf: Bangor
Trafnidiaeth gyhoeddus: Gwasanaeth bysiau cyson i Gaernarfon o Fangor, Pwllheli, Porthmadog. Am yr amserlen cliciwch yma

Teithio o’r gorllewin (o gyfeiriad Porthmadog/Pwllheli)
Wrth gyrraedd Caernarfon ar yr A487, parhewch ar y ffordd heibio archfarchnad Tesco am hanner milltir cyn cyrraedd cylchfan fawr. Archoswch ar ochor chwith y ffordd a chymrwch yr ail droad i gyfeiriad yr afon Menai (rhwng Yr Hwylfan a Morrisons). Ar ôl 100m trowch i’r chwith ar y gylchfan fach ac fe welwch adeilad Galeri 200m o’ch blaen ar y dde.

Teithio o’r dwyrain (Bangor)
Pan gyrhaeddwch gylchfan archfarchnad Morrisons ewch yn yn syth yn eich blaen ond wedyn ewch i’r lôn dde. Wrth gyrraedd yr ail gylchfan cymerwch y bedwaredd troad (rhwng Yr Hwylfan a Morrisons) tuag at yr afon Menai. Ar ôl 100m trowch i’r chwith ar y gylchfan fach ac yna fe welwch Galeri 200m o’ch blaen ar y dde.


Nearest Train station: Bangor
Public transport: Regular bus services to Caernarfon from Bangor, Pwllheli and Porthmadog. For the latest bus timetable click here

Travelling from the west (Porthmadog/Pwllheli)
As you approach Caernarfon on the A487 continue on the road past Tesco for half a mile. You will reach a large roundabout. Take the second exit (between Yr Hwylfan and Morrisons) towards the Menai Straits. After 100m turn left at the mini roundabout and you will see Galeri 200m ahead of you on the right.

Travelling from the east (Bangor)
When you reach the first roundabout by Morrisons continue straight ahead, but then take the right hand lane. When you reach the second roundabout take the fourth exit (between Yr Hwylfan and Morrisons) towards the Menai Straits. Turn left at the mini roundabout and you will see Galeri 200m ahead of you on the right.


  • Sunday, April 26, 2015 10:00 AM
  • Timezone: Unknown Region (UTC) Time
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