EDI Seminar, World Mental Health Day

Thursday, October 10, 2024
Clarice Pears Building, Glasgow, United Kingdom

EDI Seminar, World Mental Health Day

Thursday, October 10, 2024
Clarice Pears Building, Glasgow, United Kingdom

What you need to know

We are pleased to invite you to: EDI Seminar, World Mental Health Day

Title: EDI Seminar, World Mental Health Day

Date: Thursday 10 October 2024

Time: 12-1pm

Presenters: Professor Rory O'Connor

Venue: Clarice Pears room 103B and via zoom

Zoomhttps://uofglasgow.zoom.us/j/87055246336?pwd=aXg5RG1nVzY1OE1MeUlqdlVjVloydz09   Meeting ID 870 5524 6336 Passcode 627814

About the event 

As part of World Mental Health Day we are delighted to invite you to this seminar delivered by Professor Rory O'Connor focused on Understanding and Preventing Suicide. 

Professor Rory O'Connor is Professor of Health Psychology, Director of the Suicidal Behaviour Research Laboratory and head of the Mental Health and Wellbeing group at the University of Glasgow.  He is a registered health psychologist and is President of the International Association for Suicide Prevention. He is recipient of a number of awards, most recently of the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention's 2023 Research Award and the BPS 2022 Popular Science Book Award for When It Is Darkest. Why People Die By Suicide & What We Can Do To Prevent It. He has been named in Clarivate’s Highly Cited Researchers 2022 list for individuals who "have published multiple highly cited papers, ranking in the top 1% by citations for field and year over the last decade".  He is  Co-Chair of the Academic Advisory Group to the Scottish Government's National Suicide Prevention Leadership Group. He is also a Trustee of two mental health charities: MQ Mental Health Research (as well as being a member of MQ's Science Council) and the suicide prevention charity James' Place


Clarice Pears Building
90 Byres Road, Glasgow, G12 8TB United Kingdom


