Wednesday, September 4, 2024
Wednesday, September 4, 2024
The SHW Admin staff are pleased to present this years PSS Away Day the aim of the day is career development and wellbeing.
0930 Registration
1000 Welcome - Asha Costigan, Head of Professional Services
1015 Session 1. Supporting Career Progression
Presenters: Prof. Julie Langan-Martin, Chair of SHW Athena SWAN SAT; Lesley Cummings, Director of Strategic Projects P&OD; Clare Ennis, P&OD
1115 Coffee and networking
1145 Session 2. Activities
Chose 1 option
Activity 1: 'Calm your mind' - Tapping Session, Dona from New Paradigm Wellbeing
Activity 2: 'Every day's a school day' - Introduction to BSL, Katharine Terrell UofG
Activity 3: 'Get your steps in' - Botanic Gardens tour, Assemble 11.50 at Kibble Palace
1240 Lunch and networking
1340 Session 3. Perfectionism in the Workplace, Dr Marianne Etherson, MHW
1410 Session 4. Innovation, Engagement and Byres Hub
Presenters: Prof. Sara MacDonald Director of Innovation, Engagement and Enterprise; Susan Grant Community Engagement Coordinator
1450 Feedback Magda Gamrat Deputy Head of Professional Services
Optional Social Event
1500 Cocktail Masterclass (alcohol and mocktail options available)
1600 Karaoke.
2000 Event finishes