Wednesday, September 11, 2024
Wednesday, September 11, 2024
1. Location
Address: Advanced Research Centre (ARC), University of Glasgow, 11 Chapel Lane, Glasgow G11 6EW (Map Location)
Room Location: 237ABC,
Seminar Suite (layout of the ARC shared below)
Wednesday 11 September between 12:30 PM till 5 PM.
Below, we have shared information on exhibits and posters that will be showcased at our event. The exhibit's abstracts with information on parking and hotels can be found within the PDF copy of the agenda.
A1: Robot controlled bone surgery using a miniature ultrasonic surgical device
A2: Characterising the ultrasound field of a miniature focused ultrasound device
A3: Ultrasound transducer positioning with a magnetic tentacle robot
A4: The ultrasonic paddle – studying cells under ultrasonic excitation
A5: Controlled exposure of endothelial cells to ultrasound in an acoustically absorbing tank
A6: How does an ultrasonic surgical device interact with bone?
A7: Nami Surgical (Ultrasurge spin-out) will showcase its novel ultrasonic scalpel technology
A8: The UK EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Future Ultrasonic Engineering (CDT FUSE)
B1: Langevin Transducers Incorporating TPMS Lattice Front Masses.
B2: Stress analysis of additively manufactured lattice structures for incorporation in Langevin ultrasonic transducers.
B3: Endothelial cell response to 45 kHz ultrasound.
B4: Influence of ultrasound on osteoblasts attached to titanium in vitro.
B5: Shape Memory Materials for Multifunctional Ultrasonic Surgical Devices.
B6: Miniaturised FUS transducer for automated robotic delivery.
B7: Customised miniature diagnostic ultrasound transducers for soft tentacle robotics.
B8: The biological effect of a miniature ultrasonic surgical device on bone tissue.
B9: AutoMark: An ultrasound-guided system for autonomous marking of tumour boundaries during robot-assisted surgery.
B10: A miniature ultrasonic surgical device based on a flextensional configuration with a pre-stressed PZT stack.