Friday, June 7, 2024
Friday, June 7, 2024
BUIRA Scotland and the Glasgow Labour, Employment and Work network
warmly invite you to a hybrid seminar on precarity in academia and beyond.
On 7th June (2.30-4.30pm) Krista Bonello and Lena Wånggren will be discussing their 2023 book, Working Conditions in a Marketised University System: Generation Precarity | SpringerLink at The University of Glasgow, and on Zoom.
The book provides an in-depth qualitative report on casualised academic staff in the UK, mapping shared experiences and strategies for resistance. Bringing together testimonial data spanning seven years, it offers evidence of how precarious labour conditions have persisted, shifted and intensified. The book will be a valuable resource for students and scholars in the fields of education, human resources management, labour studies and sociology, as well as trade unionists and university policymakers.
Krista and Lena will be joined by discussants, including Niall Ingham from UCU Glasgow’s Anti-Casualisation Committee, and Cecile Menard from the University of Edinburgh who will respond to their presentation, with plenty of time for Q&A from the audience in person and online.
This seminar be followed by a social for those joining us in Glasgow at The Sparkle Horse