Thursday, August 5, 2021
Thursday, August 5, 2021
Conducting research in international contexts, or with international collaborators, can often introduce challenges related to different expectations and cultural norms. These challenges can sit outside formal guidance and regulations and yet can have direct impacts on researchers’ abilities to conduct their work effectively and sensitively.
As part of our efforts to equip staff and students for facing these challenges, a session on intercultural communication was held in April. The feedback from that session suggested a more knowledge-exchange based approach may be more helpful. In response to that feedback, we are piloting a series of events for students and staff, events that offer the opportunity to explore scenarios, share perspectives and develop approaches to help navigate some of the challenging and complicated situations you may encounter while recognizing there are no right answers for many of these challenges.
This event is part of the pilot phase and will focus on Safeguarding. It is open to postgraduate students at the University of Glasgow who work in international contexts or engage with international collaborators. The session will be built around hearing from colleagues, sharing your own experiences and offering perspectives on scenarios previously faced by UofG staff and students. We hope to capture the key discussion points anonymously and add them to a resource library that can then be accessed by UofG staff and students.
Following this initial session, we will be asking for feedback as to whether continuing these types of events and adding additional topics is something that would be useful. Each topic will be covered in a session for students and one for staff. If you are a UofG staff member, please register for the staff session.
This event is for postgraduate students of the University of Glasgow only. Individuals who register without a University of Glasgow e-mail address will not be sent the event joining instructions.