ASO Network Natter: Unhealthy snacks in hospitals

Great opportunity to come together for a chat, to share ideas and support

Monday, March 7, 2022

ASO Network Natter: Unhealthy snacks in hospitals

Great opportunity to come together for a chat, to share ideas and support

Monday, March 7, 2022

What you need to know

For March we have Dr Julia Allan, Senior Lecturer in Health Psychology in the Institute of Applied Health Sciences and Deputy Lead of Aberdeen Health Psychology Group discussing ‘Unhealthy snacks in hospitals: changing availability and changing choices’This will be in the format of a short presentation followed by a Q&A/discussion amongst attendees.

Dr Allan's research focuses on the cognitive determinants and consequences of health relevant behaviours/processes such as eating, physical activity and stress. She is interested in how health relevant decisions are made(e.g., food choices, diagnostic decisions, treatment decisions etc); how behaviour is controlled over time (e.g., how people stick to diets, how performance is maintained when fatigued, why willpower fails, etc); and how environments and systems can be modified to prompt healthier choices and behaviours.

The ASO Scotland Network Natter is an online networking event to provide anyone working in the field of obesity prevention and treatment an opportunity to come together for a chat, to share ideas and support.

We would like to embrace the new way of networking with this online Zoom event. 


What will the ASO Scotland Network Natter event involve?

We want to create a relaxed and fun networking session to give us an opportunity to ‘e-meet’ colleagues in Scotland.

Register and you will receive a confirmation email with details on how to join the Networking event.


We look forward to e-meeting you soon!

Your ASO Scotland Network 


  • Monday, March 7, 2022 1:00 PM
  • Ends Monday, March 7, 2022 2:00 PM
  • Timezone: United Kingdom Time
  • Add to calendar
