Saturday, September 6, 2014
Wellington Presbyterian Church, Ballymena, United Kingdom
Saturday, September 6, 2014
Wellington Presbyterian Church, Ballymena, United Kingdom
Have your ever wanted to share your faith with a neighbour but didn't know how? Trying to make a connection but it appeared too forced and mechanical. Let Neil motivate and begin to equip you on a journey of whole-life discipleship that will make sharing Jesus the most natural thing we can do. Do the tough questions of science, suffering, reliablity of the bible and the uniquess of Christ trouble you. Frightened to be asked a tough question that you can't answer Simon Edwards a Christian Apologist will help us consider a well reasoned and appropriate response to the sceptics. Alarmed by the number of heart broken, marginalised young people on our streets, schools and even churches. Jonathon will bring us not only a challenge but a message of hope and help us re-engage with todays disconnected youth. YOU HAVE THE CHOICE OF ONE OF THE THREE FOLLOWING SEMINARS
Venue: Wellington Presbyterian Church, Ballymena
Date: 6th of September 2014
Time: Registration begins at 9.30 and conference concludes at 2.30pm
Price: Free and includes a light lunch but everyone must register to allow provision for catering (a retiring offering will be available for those who may wish to contribute)
Praise and worship led by Wellingtons PC praise band and vocalists.
Wellington Presbyterian Church
28 Sourhill Road, Ballymena, BT42 2NB United Kingdom